An Affordable Cremation And Burial Service Provider
Professional Associations: Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice (APFSP)
Credentials: BBB A+ Rating, Family-Owned and Independent Business, Certified Funeral Service Practitioner, Certified Life Celebrant, Licensed Funeral Director, Licensed Embalmer, Certified Pre-Planning Consultant, Licensed Pre-Need Specialist, Certified Cremation Specialist
Keywords: Tinley Park funeral home, Tinley Park funerals, Tinley Park funeral services, Tinley Park cremations, Tinley Park cremation services, Tinley Park cremation with memorial service, Tinley Park direct cremations, Tinley Park burials, Tinley Park pre-need funeral services, Tinley Park pre-planning funeral services, Tinley Park life celebrations, Tinley Park memorial ceremonies, Tinley Park caskets, Tinley Park vaults, Tinley Park memorials, Tinley Park urns, Tinley Park honoring life, Tinley Park grief resources, Tinley Park veteran services, Tinley Park military honors, Tinley Park celebrant services, Tinley Park graveside services, Tinley Park permanent memorialization, Tinley Park ash scattering services, Tinley Park anatomical donation, Tinley Park fingerprint keepsakes, Tinley Park video tributes, Tinley Park roses and flower petal keepsakes
Interview Q&A
How long have you been in business?
Since 2004
What is your primary product or service?
Funeral Home
Cremation Service
Funeral Services,
Funeral Director,
Life Celebrations,
Funeral Celebrant Service
Pre-Need Funeral Services
What type of payments do you accept?
Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Personal Check, Life Insurance Assignment
Which areas do you service?
Will County, DuPage County, Southern Cook County, Tinley Park, Orland Park, Mokena
What are your hours of operation?
Available 24 hours / 7 days a week